Sabtu, 02 November 2013

wallpaper naruto shippuden

wallpaper naruto shippuden

If your an anime nut like I am, it doesn't take much effort to realize why Naruto and Naruto Shippuden are first class anime productions. It is one of, if not THE, hottest animated program in Japan with millions of viewers tuning in weekly to see what antics the "Orange and Black" ninja gets himself into. The litmus test of anime popularity (especially programs which have not been translated) is the number of "Fan Subbing" groups supporting the anime. Fan subs are groups of people skilled in multiple languages which translates the spoken native language into subtitles, which are then digitally inserted into digitized screen captures of the originally aired television footage. The greater the number of subbing groups, the higher the popularity of the animation. Without further ado, here are five of my personal reasons for Narutos' excellence.

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

1) The ease at which Naruto can be looked upon as a REAL person, rather than a cartoon character.

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

From a personal perspective, it was easy for me to relate to Naruto as a real person after only a few episodes because he experienced things that many of us have experienced in our own lives. His personal struggle with acceptance from his townspeople for being 'different' resounds throughout today's society. Naruto MAKES people like him. That phrase is used over and over again in the anime, and it is because of this talent, Naruto wins the hearts and loyalty of everyone one he interacts with.

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

2) The emotional breadth of all the main characters.

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Each of the main characters have a deep personal story that intertwines with the main story line. A deep sense of duty and loyalty (even if it is only to ones self) is omnipresent in each episode, and we, the viewers are allowed to see the emotional strength and weaknesses of each and every character. When one person is hurting, their comrades comfort them and share in their pain. With this, the viewer is also given the opportunity to 'feel' along with the characters.

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

Wallpaper Naruto Hd

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